Jaime Devilat B.1, Hernán Rivadeneria A.1 y Francisco Morel V.2

Thirty one year old Holstein steers werealloted at random to 3 treatments during summer 1965 to study the effect of periodical restriction of feed allowances (alfalfa) upon performance. Treatments were 1) soiling ad libitum; 2) soiling ad libitum except once. a week when feed was restricted by 50%, 3) soiling ad libitumexcept twice a weekwhen feed was restricted by 50%. Chopped alfalfa was fed twice a day 5% in excess of previuos dáy consumption.
Results indicated that daily weight gains of steers kept in dry lot with alfalfa soiling during summer were significantly reduced from 0.71 Kg. to 0.60 Kg. and 0.58 Kg. when feed allowance was curtailed to 50% of the average intake during one or two days per weekrespectively. There was no significant differences on daily gain between 1 or 2 days restriction.
Daily dry matter consumption was 8.1 Kg., 7.6 Kg. and 7.1 Kg., respectively. This data indicates that theamount of feed restricted was not consumed during the period of ad libitum feeding.

1Ings. Agrs., MS, Proyecto de Producción Animal, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.
2Ing. Agr., Proyecto de Producción Animal, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Fallecido el 20 de julio de 1968)