A climatic, livestock, agricultural and botanic inventory was carried out in Eastern Island. Several native grasses fitted for forage and other useful plants are indicated. Pests and diseases were studied. A plan is given to erradicate the most important of them, the "Angumois grair moth" (polilla del maíz) caused by the Sitotroga cerealella Ol.
The Agricultural Experiment Station work in the first six months, is shown.
For the present the author proposes a change in management, from almost exclusively sheep farming to a mixed system of farming, introducing cattle, truck fariningand commercial orchatds. In this form soil ahd water resources will be better conserved and improved, it will give higher standard of life to the native population and could satisfy Chilean needs oí several tropical products.

1 Ingeniero Agronómo de la Sección Fitotecnia del Departamento de Investigaciones Agrícolas.