S. oleae has only one complete generation each year in the general vicinity of Santiago. Some antennalcharacters of the larvae make easier the recognition and differentiation of the growing stages. The scale hihernates hetween its second molt and anyway in its fourth larval stage. The uniformity of the scale during winter and its uniform growing condition makes advisahle the chemical control in this season. For good summer control, it appears advisable that farmers make ohservations to determine the time when the general maximum hatching of egg occurs, the exact time depending on spring weather conditions.
Satisfactory mineral oil treatment at 1.5% or 2.0% are recommended, to he applied after the first rains of the fall and after a previous light pruning of the trees. Biological control of the scale by S. cyanea has not proved successful so far.

1 Ingeniero Agronómo, Inspector de Osorno del Depto. de Sanidad Vegetal