In order to obtain information regarding the natural renovationof certain types of partly exploited forests, the succesional stages during this process, and the role of weedy shrubby species, which will give indications on rational logging methods, a study was conducted at a timbered area belonging to the Estación Experimental "Centinela", Puerto Octay, on the shores of Lake Llanquihue, on February 1948. This area was selected because between 1938-40, lumbering operations, resembling those of selective logging, were undertaken. Evidence of a previous partial exploitation, dating from some forty to fifty years ago, was also found. After the last cuttings there had not heen fires, and grazing was not of importance. The composition of this forest was the following: dominants, Laurelia sempervirens and Eucryphia cordifolia; sub dominants, Aextoxicon punctatum; companion species, Myrtus luma, Drimys winteri, Myrceugenia spicuíata, Gevuina avellana, Nothofagus Dombeyi, N. oblicua and Persea Lingue. The total basal area was found to be of 100,926 m2, per hectarea, the number of trees per hectare was 1,738. The mean diameter was small for most of the species. These figures at the Lake Llariquihue area, are indicative of a very open forest community, with apparently ideal conditions for the establishment and reproduction of weedy species. The forest reproduction, however, shows that Myrtus luma and Myrceugenia apiculata, which are higly intolerant to deficient light conditions and have a very small yearly diameter increment, are pesent in considerable numbers. Laurelia sempervirens. Aextoxicon and Gevuina follow in the same order. The shruby species of the forest, including the weedy Chusquea, show smaller numbers of seedlings. Myrtus and Myceugenia were at the time originating an unfavorable habitat for themselves by the reduction of the ill |