The literature on the genus Fusarium in Chile is revised and the species observed up to date in the country are mentioned. The following are the new species that would be added to this list:. 1.- Fusarium culmarum. (W. G. Sm,) Sacc. on Vitis vinifera at Santiago (Prov. of Santiago) and Zea mays L. trom La Pampa (Prov. of Coquimbo). 2.- Fusarium semitectum Berk. et. Rav. on Musa sapientum L. from Guayaquil (Ecuador). 3.- Fusarium solani (Mart.) App. et Wr. on Citrus Limonia Osbeck trom Estación Magdalena (Prov. of Ñuble) and Peumo (Prov. of O'Higgins). 4.-Fusarium rubi Wint. on Fragaria chilensis Lam. trom Puerto Varas (Prov. of Llanquihue). 5.- Fusarium sambucinum Fckl. on Solanum tuberosum L. from Puerto Octay (Prov. of Osorno).

1 Ing. Agr. Jefe de la Sección Fitopatología del Dpto. de Sanidad Vegetal