This experiment was carried out in order to evaluate the behaviour of two sprout inhibitors, Isopropil N-3-Chloro-phenil carbamate (CIPC) and Isopropil N-phenil carbamate (IPC), the former applied both as a liquid and as a powder, and the latter only as a powder. The doses used were: 20, 30 and 40 grams of CIPC per ton and 30, 60 and 90 grams of IPC per ton.
Four examinations were made during ten months of storage in a regular potato storehouse. As a result, it was found that the three concentrations of CIPC were the most effective treatment, showing significant differences with the check in the percentage of sprouting, weight loss, length of sprouts, and weight of sprouts.
Additionally, a series of analyses were performed at each examination date to determine the variation of some of the chemical components.
Although the total carbohydrate and ascorbic acid showed warked variation, no significant difference was evidenced between treatments and control.
The content of reducing sugars remained at a relatively stable level in the most effective treatments. In the check treatment this level showed wide fluctuation until the eighth month of storage. The protein and ash content remained without variation in all the treaments.

1 Ingeniero Agrónomo, Proyecto Papa, Estación Experimental La Platina. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.
2 Ingeniero Agrónomo, Proyecto Papa, Estación Experimental La Platina. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Profesor Cátedra Fitopatología General, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Católica de Chile y Profesor Asociado Cátedra Fitopatología, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.