Plants of bean varieties Cristal Bayo, Tórtolas, Bountiful and Black Valentine wereinoculated with bean flour which was obtained from seeds of Cristal Blanco plants strongly infected with Phaseolus virus 1.
The inoculum was prepared by mixing one part flour with two parts distilled water by volume, applying the paste by rubbing the primary leaves. Two inoculations were made; in the first one, fresh flour was used, and in the second, flour stored at 4°C for two months.
The infection obtained in all the varieties, with both forms of inoculum, was highly satisfactory, showing typical attack symptoms.
This methodology has advantages over the traditional methods used in artificial inoculations and might be used in investigations and bean breeding programs concerned with virus transmissible through seeds.

1 Ingeniero Agrónomo, Proyecto Leguminosas. Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Ayudante Cátedra Fitopatología Especial (Fitotecnia). Escuela de Agronomía. Universidad de Chile.