The results of a date of seeding experiment with the sweet corn variety Golden Bantam and of two variety trials in which 29 sweet hybrids were compared with the varieties Golden Bantam and Choclero Platina are presented.
In the date of seeding experiment, five seedings were made between October 4 and December 22. There was a progressive deerease in the number of days necessary to mature the corn as seeding was delayed, the differences between the first four dates being significant. Conversely, the number of degree-hours between seeding and silking and between seeding and harvest increased with delayed seeding. The third seeding date (November 4) produced the highest yield, but was significantly greater than only the first date. The average ear length and ear weight of the first four dates were significantly greater than those of the fifth planting. The number of tillers was fewest in the last two plantings.

1 B. S. A., M. Sc. Servicio Universitario Canadiense para Ultramar (cuso). Proyecto Maíz, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.
2 Ingeniero Agránomo, Ph. D., Proyecto Maíz. Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Profesor de Genética Vegetal Aplicada, Universidad de Concepción.
3 Ingeniero Agrónomo. Proyecto Maíz. Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.