Erwinia carotovora (Jones) Holland was found to be the causal organism of soft rot of carrots in the province of Ãuble. Carrot plants were also affected by Cercospora carotae (Pass.) Solh., causing stem and leaf spots. Conidia collected directlv from infected leaves in the field measured 40,1 X 4,0 µ and had 1-3 septa. However, infected leaves incubated for 24 hours on PDA at room temperature yielded conidia measuring 66,3 X 3,8 µ, with 3-6 septa. Basing the identification on conidia secured in the field, the disease could be attributed erroneously to Ramularia sp. |
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1 M. S., Ph. D., Fitopatólogo, International Service Faculty, University of California, Davis, California, USA. 2 Ingeniero Agrónomo, Escuela de AgronomÃa, Universidad d Concepción, Chillán. |