Gabriel Bascur B.1

As a result of the genetic improvement work carried out with green pod beans by La Platina Regional Research Center, the National Agricultural Research Institute (INIA) has developed the variety Trepador-INIA. This new cultivar was obtained by masal selection from a local ecotype, collected in the province of San Felipe, V Region, Chile, and is recommended as a greenhouse crop, mainly for rotation between two tomato cycles with the benefits this implies from a phytosanitary point of view. Its most important characteristics are its climbing habit and its large flat light green threadless pod. It is an early cultivar starting production around 65-70 days after planting with a harvest period of 30-40 days, and high yield potential which varies between 15-30 t ha-1 depending if planted in autumn or spring. Its green pod yield, evaluated in different locations and crop seasons, was significantly better than the Enriqueta cultivar, which has traditionally been grown in greenhouses. It is recommended for temperate zones where the greenhouse furnishes the temperature required by the bean plant, but respecting this condition it can be planted in any period. Another possibility is to use it outside in the spring-summer season with stakes or a trellis and get similar yields to those produced in greenhouses.

Keywords: cultivar, breeding, green pod production.
1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Centro Regional de Investigación La Platina, Casilla 493/3, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: gbascur@inia.cl