Multicriteria Models: an application for the selection of productive alternatives

Mónica Bocco1, Silvina Sayago1 y Enzo Tártara1

In this work models are developed based on multicriteria programming: multiobjective programming is used complemented with the compromise programming and goal programming with the purpose of evaluating the optimization of more than one economic objective. The purpose of these models is to predict ex-ante the economic results, maximization of the gross margin and minimization of the enterprise risk, which will be observed in horticultural systems when new production alternatives are adopted, contemplating different agronomic and economic restrictions. These models were applied to small horticultural operations of the green belt in Córdoba, Argentina, in order to explain the changes in the economic situation of the farm when selecting and adopting new production plans, represented by the incorporation of alternative horticultural products for production. Comparing each model with the present situation of the producers, considering the variables involved, allows the conclusion that adopting any one of the modeled proposals, will mean an important diminution in the relation risk/gross-margin with values up to 50% in the summer season and 66% in the winter season. The choice of solutions that, although not optimal are efficient, will result in a greater diversification of productive alternatives.

Keywords: multicriteria models, optimization, adoption, horticultural products.
1 Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, CC 509 - 5000, Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail: mbocco@agro.uncor.edu
Investigación subsidiada por Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina.