Evaluation of the quality forest site for Eucalyptus camaldulensis through edaphic indexes in Argiudolls and Argiacuolls. Argentina.

J.E. Baridón1, J.W. Lanfranco, R.M. Marlats, M. Vázquez.

The introduction of Eucalyptus sp. in the province of Buenos Aires, due to economic and market factors, make necessary to know the potential productíon of different sites. The development of yield models based on edaphic factors could be an alternative methodology in areas lacking biological indicators. The aim of the project was to evaluate the quality of forest sites for Eucaliptus camaldulensis by means of an edaphic index methodology in Argiudolls and Argiacuolls. In addition the results were compared with in situ biological tests. The site indexes for Eucaliptus camaldulensis between both sites were significantly different at P< 0.05. Those trees growing ín the Typic Argiudoll had a median dominant height of 14.75 m while those growing in Typic Argiacuoll were only 11.5 m high. The difference between the indexes of each site was in agreement with the differences found between classes as determined by the methodology under study. Furthermore, the range of aptitude class established was sensible enough. The biological validity of the model shows that it is feasible to use it at least for those especies, soils and climates described. However, the methodology should be tested on other biological scenarios to establish absolute values.

Keywords: potential aptitude, biological test, forest site index, validation.
1 Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Casilla de Correo 31, La Plata (CP 1900), Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. E-mail: jbaridon@ceres.agro.unlp.edu.ar.