Characterization of the growth and production of winter forage cereals in Córdoba, Argentina.

H.R. Pagliaricci1, S. González, A.E. Ohanian, T.W. Pereyra

An experiment was conducted to characterize the growth and production of species and cultivars of winter forages widely used in the region. The species used were: rye (Secale cereale L.) cv. "Manfredi Suquía INTA" and "Naicó INTA"; oats (Avena sativa L.) cv. "Buck Tambera" and "Millauquén INTA", and triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) cv. "Tehuelche INTA", "Quiñé UNRC", "Genú UNRC", and "Tizné UNRC". The evaluation was carried out for four years (1993-96) with sowing during the first fortnight of March at densities that varied from 150 to 180 plants m-2. The measurements were made by monthly sampling leaving 7-10 cm stubble. The experimental design allowed the quantification of forage accumulated from sowing to the end of the cycle, and the re-growth occurring with different dates of first cut (50 or 79 days from sowing date). The phenological state of anthesis was considered for all entries as the moment of maximum accumulation. Dry matter accumulated during the growing period of plants without defoliation and that obtained with different first cut dates was estimated adjusting experimental values. The regression coefficients obtained and the acceptable degree of significance in most of the analyzed situations, suggest that the method offers the possibility of performing a good characterization of resources useful for comparison and, in this case in particular, to highlight the outstanding characteristics of each variety while trying to minimize costs.

Keywords: cereals, winter forage, growth curves, yield.
1 Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria. Estafeta Postal Nº 9, Río Cuarto (CP. 5800). Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail: aohanian@ayv.unrc.edu.ar.