Ecological degradation of the costal plain of Litueche(Central Chile) and its effects on the soil fertility level

Joachim Hesse-Perez1, Eduardo Besoain M. y Fernando Squella N.

Soils from the coastal plain ofLitueche, situated in Region VI ofCentral Chile (340 06'30" S.L. and 71 0 49' W. Long) were studied in order to evaluate the fertility levels of soils degraded by erosion, excessive monoculture, forest devastation, etc. For that purpose, soils under forestal use (Pinus radiata) and pasture were comparatively studied. All experiments were performed at Hidango farm (2,656 ha) of INIA. Physical-chemical and mineralogical properties ofthe original soil (Typic Palexeralf; Parabraunerde) were evaluated in a non-erosioned site. Using the square method and perpendicular to the altitude level, samples of surface soil under pasture and under pine-tree plantation were studied. Total N, available P, K, Ca, Mg and soluble B and Zn, as well as texture, bulk density, pH, CEC, O.M., and bases saturation were determined. Content ofnutrients were measured in square - celled grip (375 x 60 m) to illustrate the spatial distribution of each parameter. No sharp differences in nutrient status were observed. However, soils under pine-tree plantation show higher nutrients level as compared with soil samples under pasture. The soils are poor; the erosion processes and nutrient losses are stimulated by surface runoff. Clay mineralogy is dominated by kaolinite which does not help to preserve the nutrient content.

Keywords: erosion, fertility, grassland, pine-tree plantation.
1 Institut für Geographie, Universität Münster. Robert Koch-Str 26, Alemania.