Use of pine (Pinus radiata) bark as a controlled-release support of the herbicide hexazinone in pine stands.

Graciela Palma C.1, Marisol Soto O., Itilier Salazar Q.

Both the toxic and formulation properties ofsome herbicides have produced environmental changes. Controlled-release herbicide formulations allow for a deliberate release of active ingredients, therefore avoiding excess of herbicide in the environment. This study reports the effect ofa commercial and a controlled-release formulation based on bark as supporting material ofhexazinone upon the weed control of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) nurseries. Experimental plots had naturallevels ofweed infestation and three-month oldPinus radiata plants. Results are expressed as percentage of weed control and a Productivity Index for Pinus radiata plants. After 6 months, the bark-based formulation displayed a better weed control than commercial formulations, with weed controllevels of27% and 13%, respectively, whereas Productivity Index values indicated a negative effect on the growth of Pinus radiata plants when the conventional formulation was applied, with a reduction of productivity of 27%. The bark-based formulation achieved a better weed control than the commercial one, with no apparent damage on Pinus radiata plants.

Keywords: controlled release, herbicide, weed, pine tree.
1 Universidad de La Frontera, Dpto. Ciencias Químicas, Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile. Financiado Por Proyectos Fondecyt 1960973 y Diufro 9530. e-mail: gpalma@werken.ufro.cl.