Variation of some soil properties under three different uses

Walter Luzio L.1, José D. Opazo A. y Carlos Bascur P.

Three different soils with native forest, native grassland and exotic forest respectively were selected to asses the impact of these soil uses upon some soil properties. The results showed that only a few soil properties were aftected ascribed to the difterent soil uses. The O horizon in the native forest was the main morphological difference between the sites. CIC and pH showed no great difterences. Ca and Mg cations were strongly translocated either in native and exotic forest. The exotic forest originated soil compaction throughout the profile, showed as a higher bulk density than the other sites.

Keywords: Andisols, soil properties, native vegetation, exotic vegetation.
1 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.