Chilean Medicago polimorpha (Hualputra) ecotipe evaluation for mediterranean zone

Raúl Meneses R.1, Carlos Ovalle M. y Gabriela lbacache T.

At Los Vilos Sub-experimental Station (INIA, Chile, 31 52' laL S. 7128' long. W.), during 1991 chilean Medicago polimorpha ecotipe were evaluated, Iike La Serena, Ovalle, Combarbalá, IlIapel, Los Vilos, Pichicuy, Santiago, Cauquenes and Circle Valley australian ecotipe. The ecotipes were seeding on june in a randomized blocks desing with 4 replications. Phenology was observed on 10 individuals identificated plants per ecotipe and replication. Dry matter was colected on octuber and november . La Serena, Pichicuy and Ovalle ecotipe were with higher precosity, 74, 78 and 81 days respectively. Los Vilos and Cauquenes ecotipe were belated 103 and 110 days. Dry matter and fruits barreis production were not different (P > 0.05). However seed yield of Pichicuy ecotipe was differente (P < 0.05). The higher average dry matter yield were 2,489; 2,316 and 2,205 kg/ha for Cauquenes, Combarbalá and IlIapel ecotipe respectivelly. Fruits barreis yield were 2,883 to 1,355 kg/ha for IlIapel and La Serena respectivelly. Seed yield were 920 to 393 kg/ha for Pichicuy and Santiago respectivelly. AII evaluated ecotipe represent a good forage alternative to improve the naturalized dry matter production on arid semiarid zone of Chile.

Keywords: Medicago polymorpha, annual medics, mediterranean pasture, barrel medico
1 Centro Experimental Los Vilos (INIA), Casilla 40, Los Vilos, Chile.