Balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum) a forage leguminous promissory to pastoral systems of Mediterranean zone of Chile

Carlos Ovalle M.1, Fernando Squella N., Susana Arredondo S., Alejandro Del Pozo L. y Julia Avendaño R.

As a part of a project of introduction and selection of new annual forage legumes for ecological specific niches, in the Mediterranean unirrigated land from central Chile, like the flatland "espinales" and the waterlogged soils, the balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum) has been introduced. The species is of Mediterranean origin (Turkey) and it has been developed as a forage species in Australia, where it has been utilized with success in waterlogged soils. In Chile the first experiments were established in loamy soils (Quella series) at Cauquenes, Vllth Region and in the unirrigated land of the coastal dryland of the VIth Region at Hidango. The results of the first three years of experimentation indicate that balansa clover establishes, produces, and persists with success in such soil conditions and could be used as an excellent alternative for the improvement of extensive zones of unirrigated land. In this review the perspectives of this species is analyzed in relation to adaptation and utilization with special reference to their productivity, nutritional value, establishment and pasture management .

Keywords: balansa clover, annual c1overs, Mediterranean pasture , interior dryland.
1 Centro Regional de Investigación Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile.