Fluctuations of movable N on wheat in the coastal range of VI Region of Chile

Ellas Letelier A.1

During the years 1983 and 1984 two factorial trials were made on wheat at Experimental Substation Hidango of Chilean, VI Region, with marine-mediterranean climate and 950 - 1,500 mm averagerainfall during crop season respectively. Factors were: early variety vs. semi-early; early seeding vs. normal and no fertilization vs. 150 kg ha-1 of N. Available N (Ns) in the soil to a depth of 140 cm and total N in the crop (Nc) were periodically determined. The sum of both was named movable N (Nm). A remarkable reduction of Nm was observed in winter. A part of this reduction can be explained by the method of sampling, but a certain amount of biological inmovilization is probably involved. During springtime Nm raised to little higher levels than inicial N (inicial Ns plus fertilizer N) in the treatments with fertilizer N, and much higher than inicial N in those treatments without fertilizer N. This suplementary N was estimated to come from residual biomass. From the end of spring to harvest Nm got down again. At harvest time final Nm was higher than inicial N in the treatments without fertilizer N; In the treatments with fertilizer N, final Nm was equal or lower than inicial N. The fall of Nm from springtime to harvest was thought to be caused by volatilization from the crop. Biological efficiency (final Nc/inicial N) was always higher in the treatment without N fertilizer than the corresponding treatments with fertilizer N (average 0.85 vS. 0.58). Average efficiency of fertilizer N was 0.38.

Keywords: wheat, movable nitrogen, biological efficiency, fertilizer efficiency.
1 Centro Regional de Investigación La Platina, Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.