Detection of Sharkas disease (Plum pox virus) an old stone fruit collection at Los Tilos Experimental Substation (INIA), Chile

Guido Herrera M.1

A survey was conducted during 1991/1992 season, aimed to identify the main virus diseases affecting stone fruits in Chile. Apricot (Prunus armeniaea L.) and peach (P. persiea L.) plants showing symptoms similar to those produced by plum pox virus (PPV) were detected in an old stone fruit collection at Los Tilos Experimental Substation (INIA). This is the first record of the Sharka disease in Chile. The orchard where PPV was detected has been kept under observation and all the stone fruit trees were destroyed. PPV has not been found elsewhere. Fruits of apricot cv. Sergeron showed chlorotic rings on the epidermial tissue and yellow rings in the stone. The leaves exhibited chlorotic rings. Peach plants cv. Springcrest showed yellow rings on the fruit epidermial tissue. The presence of PPV was confirmed by the typical symptoms in the apricot and peach fruit, positive reaction against poly and monoclonal antibodies and decoloration of potyvirus particles by ISEM (inmunosorbent electron microscopy).

Keywords: virus, Plum pox virus, Sharkas, stone fruit, Prunus armeniaea, Prunus persiea.
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439. Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.