Iron and manganese availability in restricted aeration soil

Claudio Ciudad B.1 y Regina Ite D.1

Some relation has been observed between soil aeration and radical absortion of iron and manganese in Lens culinaris. A growing and irregular increase of the absortion causes foliar augmentation, a phenomenon called "marea negra". When mare negra inductive soils are exposed to aqueous suspension (1:5), controlled aeration and constant pH 3, in hermetic seal conditions reversible changes with increase and decrease of redox potential occur that can augment or diminish heavy metals solubility. In that case, soil oxigen activity would explain solubility, availability and absortion ofthose metals by changes of redox potential.

Keywords: soil, redox potential, aeration, nutrition disorder, iron, manganese, Lens culinaris, syndrome marea negra.
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.