Productivity of corn hybrids of different vegetative cicle. II. Leaf size and estimation of diverse leaf area indexes

Alfredo Luchsinger L.1

The behaviour 01 23 corn hybrids of different vegetative cycle was studied based on total number of leaves, leaves below and above the ear, leaf area indexes (LAI's), and leal length and width measured in different ways. The LAI's considerad were as follows: ear leaf, leaf average, sum of all the leaves, sum of leaves above and bellow the ear and eighth leal. For leaf length and width determinations, the ear leaf and the average of all leavas were usad. The results indicate that both the yeard and the locality influenced the variations shown in the different variables. The LAl's and leaf size showed variations between them and also varied within a same hybrid. The maximun LAI was obtained by the forage hybrids Antumapu 1 (4.37) and Antumapu 2 (3.64) by use of eight leaf. In hybrids JX-7790, JX-178, T-289s and P-3377, the LAl's were very similar in their values. The most significant interaction was year/treatment, with the 1986/87 season having the higher values and the greater value fluctuations. The forage hybrids Antumapu 1 and 2 had the greatest leaf sizes.

Keywords: corn, hybrids, leal, leal area indexes, yield.
1 Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.