ABSTRACT Effect of body condition at lambing on birthweight, neonatal mortality and weaning weight in lambs and fleece weight on Merino Precocius ewes
Christian Crempien L.1, Javier López del P.2 y David Rodriguez S.1 |
Body condition scere atlambing, in Merino Precocius ewes Irom lirstto sixth lambings and from three produetion systems were analized to determine the retalion of body weighl and wool production in the ewe and lambing weight, neonatal mortality and weaning weight in lambs. Liveweight, wool production and weaning weight were linearly associated to body condition, except in ewes of late lambing where this relation was no! observed. While lambing weight and neonatal mortality of singles and twins were related to body condition in quadratic terms. It is postulated that body condition score would be a last method to evaluate the nutritional status of the ewe and it can allow a beller expression of reproductive variables atlambing, weaning and shearing. |
Keywords: body conditíon, nutrition, lambing, weaning, production. |
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439-3, Santiago, Chile. 2 Actividad privada. Vicuña Mackenna 12547. Santiago, Chile. |