The Agricultural Research in Chile. The present approach of the Institute for Agricultural Research

Claudio Wernli K.1

This paper brielly analizes the structure and linancement of the chilean Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA) and its insertion in the context of a changing agriculture that afteets the institutional work.
The high economical and social profitability of research and technology transference cardad out in INIA is derived Irom some achievements and impacts quantified economically. The formation of a highly specialized group of personnel is added to the former.
During the past two decades, the chilean agriculture has developed more marked changes than belore. Some of the most outstanding are: the notorious increases in production and productivity of several agricultural commodities; the increasingly interconneetion and interdependence of the agriculturas and economias between countries, conveying to higher needs of specialization, competitivity and quality of production; the development of a higlhy technified agricultural sector associated to a growing agroindustrial activity, mainly lor export purposes; the need to incorporate the small farming sector to a progressive and sustainable agricultura; model; the rapid advancement of technological subjects relatad to agricultura; and the deterioration of natural resources and contamination of environment and feeds, relatad to agricultural activities. Revision of priorities and lhe neccesary changes in approach of national agricultural research need lo be based on the previous statements.
The national investment in agricultural research in 1990 (79% INIA; 29% universities and 1% private sector) was approximately 0,65% of the Gross National Agricultural Product, a lower figure compared to those of economically developed countries, reaching up to 4% of the GNAP. A higher compromise and participation in agricultural research of both private and public sector is needed, particularly considering its high revenue and importance for agricultural and national developments.
Finaily, there is a need to join effor

1 Presidencia del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 16077, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.