Sowing methods comparison of white clover/perennial ryegrass sward in a volcanlc soil

Hernán Acuña P.1

White elover ev. Huia (3 kg/ha) and perennial ryegrass ev. Nui (15 kg/ha) were sown. The treatments were the 12 combination of two levels of P (50 and 100 kg/ha) and six sowing methods: 1) Clover, ryegrass and fertilizers (N and P) drilled 20 cm apart; 2) Clover, ryegrass and fertilizer drilled 10 cm apart; 3) Ryegrass and N drilled 20 cm apart, clover and P broadcast; 4) Ryegrass and N drilled 10 cm apart, clover and P broadcast; 5) Clover, ryegrass fertilizers and N broadcast; 6) P fertilizer mixed with the soil (0-10 cm depth), clover, ryegrass and N broadcast. A randomized complete block desing with four replicates and 2 x 6 m plots was used. The results showed that when clover was broadcast and ryegrass drilled the clover and ryegrass yields were belter than when both species were drilled together. When both species were· broadcasted, ryegrass showed low yield but clover grew well. P fertilizer mixed with 0-10 cm soil strata showed the higher weed proportion in total D.M. The reponse of sowing melhods was not affected by P application al establishment. The number of clover growing points per unit area tended to increase when P applied was increased. The clover stolon lenglh and Ihe number of ryegrass tillers showed no important changas.

Keywords: white elever, Trifolium repenso perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, sowing methods.
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426. Chillán, Chile.