Evaluation of two lupin species Lupinus albus and Lupinus mutabilis as fodder crops under dryland conditions

Oriella Romero V.1, Sergio Hazard T.1 , Maria Graciela Márquez B.1 y Mauricio Hiriart L.1

WiTh lhe aims of assesing dry maller accumulalion potential, quality and cutting time of lupin as supplementary leed, soiling and or silage as an alternative under low forage supply. Lupinus albus, cv. Multolupa, Victoria and L. mutabilis, cv. Inti, were lesled under dryland conditions in a splil-plol design, with lhree repiicates. The sowing was in august 91 with a sowing rote 01 160 kg/ha in L. albus and 100 kg/ha in L. mutabilis. Fertilizing at sowing was 16 kg of N/ha, 19,6 kg of P, 18 kg of K, 22 kg of Sulphur and 18 kg of MgO. The results obtained at first cutting indicated a similar production of dry matter between cultivars and lupin species with 3.7 and 4.4 ton D.M./ha. This trend continued until the third cutting with a yield of 4.0 to 5.6 ton D.M./ha. From the lourth cutting an increasing dry matter accumulation occurred in Victoria cultivar as compared with Inti. The highest dry matter accumulation fer the whole period was obtained with Lupinus albus cv. Multolupa with 17.1 ton D.M./ha in relation to the other cultivars (Victoria and Inti) with only 14 ton/ha (P < 0.01). The highest protein content of 25% was obtained in the fourth cut with Multolupa and Victoria. From this cutting on the protein cantent decreased. Differences in protein content between cultivars were observad and were associated to a different precocity of the cultivars evaluated. The metabolizable energy recorded in the cultivars fluctuated from 2.9 to 3.2 Mcal/kg D.M. The highest values were recorded at the lirst culling, and Multolupa showed the highest value during whole period of evaluation.

Keywords: Lupinus albus, Lupinus mutabilis, cultivars, chemical composition, protein, energy value, dry matter content, dryland.
1 Estación Experimental Carillanca (INIA), Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile.