Main factors in wheat production in the central south region II. Crop rotations in the Andes pledmont solls

Nicasio Rodriguez S.1, Fernando Silva F.2 y Ciro Belmar N.1

Crop rotation have a big effect on the wheat yield on the basis ofthe analized results, is posible to point out that wheat yield decrease in the wheat monocultive. When oat in cropped with wheat the high wheat yield is maintained. Take all rootdesease is modified with different crops rotations.ln wheat mono culture most ofthe plants are classified in the 0+1 categorie. In oat-wheat ro tation 48.5% of the observed roots are classified in the categorie 3+4. Relations were established between wheat plants in the categorie (0 + 1) and (3 +4); wheat yield, yield components, test weight and plant hight. Only thousand grain weight values were positively associated with the changes in wheat yield difference between rotations.

Keywords: crop rotations, take all, wheat, oat, monoculture, spikes.
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INlA), Casilla 426. Chillán, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.