Rangeland improvement systems in the "|espinales"| of the subhumid Mediterranean zone of Chile. l. Yield production and herbaceous cover

Julia Avendaño R.1 y Carlos Ovalle M.2

The usual damage of the "espinal" (Acacia caven savanna), dominant vegetational formation of the Chilean Mediterranean drylands (rainfeds) zones, is the principal reason of the low agriculture and livestock production. lt compel to look for recovery methods, which must be suitable with the economic and technologic level of the livestock enterprise, just as also conserve and/or improve the rangelands system. The objectives of Part I were: to study, during three years, the effect in the yield production and herbaceous cover on broadcasting saven seeds species under four stablishment methods, which consist of uncultivated ground (surface sown) o a superficial cultivation. The fertilized range produced more forage (between 300 to 2,000 kg D.M./ha) than the unfertilized, in addition to decrease the proportion of bare soil. In return, seed broadcasting (plus fertilization) not always involved forage increase, regarding the fertilized range.

1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (INIA), Casilla 165, (VII Región), Chile.
2 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, Chlllán, (VIII Región), Chile.