Epidemiologycal studies on strongylids in sheep. II. The effect of stocking rate on the strongylids eggs output, on ewes

Christian Cremplen L.1, Hugo Astudillo C.2 y Rodolfo Wiedmayer C.3

A trial was conducted from June, 1976 to November 1977 to studythe eggs output of strongylids in 3 and 7 stocking rates respectively. In the first period with 1.0,2.5 and 4.0 ewes/ha there was a clear increment in the egg outputs according to stocking rateo In the second year, with stocking rates of: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 ewes/ha it was observed a slow or gradual increment of egg counts as stocking rate increased. The egg output corrected by stocking rate number and as lunction ofthe first variable, resulted in lineal correlations. The general patternsofthe egg output had two expressions of maximum production: fall and winter-spring as has been reportad elsewhere fer Mediterranean conditions. In summer and in winter, after the autumn rise, egg output was low.

Keywords: stocking rate, eggs output, strongylids, ewes.
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3. Santiago, Chile.
2 Alimentos Concentrados del Sur, SURALIM. Camino longitudinal s/n, Osorno, Chile.
3 Servicio Nacional de salud. Talca, Chile.