Evaluatlon of two anther culture media tor androgenesis in wheat

Nicole Hewatone O.1 y Carloa Muñoz S.1

Anther culture has Iimited use in wheat breeding because few doubled haploids can be obtained and the androgenic capacity is highly dependanton genotype. In order to evaluate the androgenic ability of2 anther culture media, N6 and Potato-4 media, were compared in their Iiquid or solid forms, and N6 medium with or without the addition of Ficoll-400 to the medium. Besides,the androgenic capacity of 10 genotypes were compared in Potato-4 and N6 media. Finally, 2 forms of colchicine ireatment were also compared. Anthers were incubated at 25 ± 2 ºC with 50 μE m-2 seg-1 irradiation and 16 hrs of light. After 1 month in theseconditions, calli produced were transterred to a regenerative medium, and later on, acclimated in a greenhouse. Forchromosomal doubling, colchicine (0.2% for 4hr) was applied in vivo to acclimated plants previous of shoot elongation. Results show that, in general, solid media are beller in inducing calli than liquid media, that there was no difference in callus differentiation belween the solid and Iiquid form of the Potato-4 medium, but that the N6 medium in its liquid lorrn is beller for callus differentiation. Addition of Ficoll-400 (100 g/L) to N6 medium significantly increased plant production per anther, and callus differentiation, but had no effect on callus induction. A significant interactionwas detected belween culture media and genotype, but for most genotype Potato-4 medium proved to be beller lor callus induction. Finally, chromosome duplicatíon using colchicine was beller when treatment was given to fully acclimated plantlets.

Keywords: androgenesis, anther culture, wheat, culture media.
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago. Chile.