Equilibrium moisture to rough rice, variety Oro, to 10°|, 25°|, and 40°|C temperatures

Ricardo Muñoz C.1 y Patricia Rebufel A.1

At the La Platina Experiment Station (INIA) were obtained the equilibrium moistures at 10º, 25º, and 40ºC temperatures tor rough rice variety Oro using the static method ot saturated salt solutions. The mean and maximum difference were determinated between the experimental values and the estimated for the Henderson Modified and Chung - Pfost models. The experimental data were adjusted to the Henderson Modified model. The mean and maximum difference according to Henderson Modified model was 5.13 and 10.82 % and Chung - Pfost model were 5.56 and 12.77 %, respectively. The model Henderson Modified calculated was
H = 1/100 [ln(1-HR)/(-2.712 x 10-5 X (T + 40.32191)]1/2.32574

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3. Santiago, Chile.