Some physlologlcal parameters of four sprlng wheat cultlvars (Triticum aestivum L.) In symblosis wlth vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Rosa Rubio H.1, Carlos Castillo R.1, Elvira Moraga P.1 y Fernando Borie B.1

An experiment for studying the influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) infection in some physiological parameters of four spring wheat genotypes during various stages of growth was carried out. Plants of Carahue-INIA, Dalcahue-INIA, Malihue-INIA and Naofén wheat genotypes were grown in pots with volcanic soil under greenhouse and O and 131 kg P/ha additions as triple super phosphate (TSP) and rock phosphate were essayed simultaneously. Whole plants were harvested at 21, 42, 63, 84 and 96 days. VAM % of infection, total root length, infected root length and dry matter of shoots and roots were evaluated. Results showed that P-fertilizer, especiallyTSP enhanced VAM infection in all cultivars being the highest Carahue-INIA and Naofén (45.0 and 44.3%, respectively). On the other hand, in Carahue-INIA genotype both infection and the other parameters had reached the maximun at 63 days, showing the eftectiveness of VAM symbiosis in this cultivar. Finally, results showed that at 21 days in the treatments without Paddition Naofén had reached the 70% of its total root length of which 30% had already been infected. This finding suggest that Naofén would be the less dependent to P-fertilization of the four cultivars essayed.

Keywords: VA mycorrhiza, wheat, root length.
1 Universidad de la Frontera, Casilla 54-D, Temuco, Chile.