Irrigation and fertilization in garlie erop (Allium sativum L.) ev. Rosado-INIA

Cristián Navarrete G.1, Norbert Fritsch F.1, y Raúl Ferreyra E.2

A field trial was performed during the 1984/85 season at La Platina Experiment Station with the aim of determining the response of garlic (Allíum sativum L.) cv. Rosado-INIA crop to different irrigation treatments and nitrogen fertilization. The irrigation treatments through line-source sprinkler system, consisted of the application of seven decreasing amount of water beginning with 1,3 times the pan evaporation (U.S.W.B. Class A) until reaching 0, with four replications; water applied every seven days. The fertility treatments were four doses of nitrogen (0, 80, 160 and 240 kg/ha) placed in strips at right angles to the sprinkler line with four replications. The statistical model used was split-blocks with non randomized irrigation factor. During the crop development, it was observed that when diminishing the amount of applied water, crop evapotranspiration, dry matter, and bulb diameter, also decrease. Only the foliar nitrogen percentage tended to increase with less water, butthe total absorved nitrogen did not increase. A low sensibility to the water supply during the growth period of the bulbs was found. The yield coefficient was Ky= 0.5. The effect of the applied water adjusted to a cuadratic model on both fertilized treatments, 160 and 240 kg/ha of nitrogen, an exponential model for 80 kg/ha and lineal negative for 0 kg/ha.

Keywords: irrigation, irrigation and fertilization, garlic crop (Allíum sativum), production functions.
1 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, U. de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.