Preliminary seleetion of wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) by its native and applied phosphorus absorption capacity

Mario Mellado Z.1, Nicasio Rodríguez S.1, Gilberto Gutiérrez R.1

In the foot hill dryland of Ñuble (Lal. 37°01' S., Long. 72°02' W.) during the 1981-1985 period, fifteen trials were set up. The aim was to make a preliminary selection of wheat genotypes based in their performance related to the use of phosphorus. Therefore an Andepts Soil low in P (< 8 mg/kg), was selected. Differences in rusticity and efficiency in the use of phosphorus were observed between grain yield of the wheat genotypes and the rates of phosphorus applied.

Keywords: wheat, absorption capacity, rusticity, efficiency, genotypes, yield.
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INlA), Casilla 426, Chlllán, Chile.