Charaeterization of the farm systems of the rice crops farmers. I. Farm, crop and Iivestock information

Carlos Sepúlveda G.1 y Germán Klee G.1

The study was carried out in Linares province, Maule region, where 50% ofthe Chflean rice is grown. From 1,025 farms with 54,042 ha (7,432 basic irrigated hectareas, BIH), 6.8% were sampled. Farmers were classified according to farm area in three strata: 0.1 to 2.9 BIH (I); 3 to 12 BIH (II); and more than 12 BIH (III): The proportional stratified sampling method was used to determine the sample size. A survey was carried out to obtain the information. A randomized block design, was use to evaluate the information. Only a few crop alternativas were used by farmers. The crop rotation "rice and three year with natural grasses" was found in 96% ofthe farms. The area under cropping is used with rice (84.8%), wheat (9%) and grain legumes (6.2%). The natural grassland is about two thirds of the farm total area and 94% of the farm area is used for forage production. The soils show low fertility and power for all the farm activities. Horse-work is used as power for all the farm activities.

Keywords: rice, farm systems.
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile.