Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 489 - 632
Octubre - Diciembre 2002
Pathogenicity of chilean isolates of Beauveria bassiana to adults of Asynonychus cervinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Authors: Andrés France, Marcos Gerding y Alicia Sandoval
Susceptibility to post-harvest chilling damage in sweet peppers, and treatments to minimize its effect
Authors: Elizabeth Kehr M.
Application of a multiple model of milk production curve in dairy cows
Authors: Carlos Pedraza G.; Alberto Mansilla M.; Ernesto Jahn B.; Agustín Vidal V.; Paola Fajardo R. y Hernán Agüero E.
Beef production with yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus L.) and subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) under dryland conditions in the IXth Region, Chile
Authors: Claudio Rojas, Oriella Romero y Leticia Barrientos
Milk production comparison of different breeds of ewes in the central-south zone of Chile
Authors: Julia Avendaño R., Fernando Fernández E. y Claudio Sandoval P.
Spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation and soil water content at three forest sites of the VIII Region of Chile
Authors: Carlos A. Bonilla, Claudia Bonomelli y Gonzalo Urrutia.
Effect of three tillage systems on moisture content in the soil profile
Authors: Hamil Uribe C. y Juan L. Rouanet M.
Effect of water stress during fruit growth phase II of peach trees cv. Kakamas on yield and tree water status
Authors: Raúl Ferreyra E., Gabriel Selles V.y Gamalier Lemus S.
Effect of plant density on yield of onions cv. Cobriza INTA with drip irrigation
Authors: V. M. Lipinski, Silvia Gaviola y J.C. Gaviola
Selection of portfolios of economically optimal crop rotations for the Andean Foothills of the VIIIth Region, Chile
Authors: Jorge González U., Emilio Francisco G. y William Foster B.
Rice germplasm characterization for cold tolerance in the germination stage
Authors: Dalma Castillo y J. Roberto Alvarado A.
Use of image analysis in the diagnosis of Citrus Tristeza Virus on lemon trees (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.) in the Mallarauco Valley, Chile
Authors: Rafael Novoa S. A. y Guido Herrera M.
Effect of time of artificial insemination after estrus detection on Corriedale sheep pregnancy rates
Authors: Camila Muñoz M., VÃctor H. Parraguez G. y Etel Latorre V.
Elaboration of a predictive table of apple diameter cv. Granny Smith using growing degree days
Authors: Samuel Ortega-FarÃas, Luis Flores y Lorenzo León