Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 141 - 228
Julio - Septiembre 1996
Estimation of daily soil moisture variation, surface runnof and infiltration, using HIDROSUELO computer model
Authors: Patricio Novoa O. y Patricio Sepúlveda N.
Effect of fungicide sprays on moldy core of apples stored in cold
Authors: Blancaluz Pínilla C., Yohanna Trombert V. y Mario Alvarez A.
Predicting potentially mineralizable nitrogen based on organic carbon
Authors: María Teresa Varnero M.; Carlos Benavides Z., José Miguel Reyes P. y Manuel Casanova P.
Estimation of phosphorus needed for attaining sufficiency levels in volcanic soils from the south of Chile
Authors: María Adriana Carrasco R.1-2 y José Domingo Opazo A.1-2
Performance of ten insecticides with foliage treatments on hazelnut and one applied in the soil for control of Myzocallis coryli (Goeze) (Hemiptera: Homoptera: Aphididae)
Authors: Alfonso Aguilera P., Carlos Pacheco V., Jaime Guerrero C.
Evaluation of nitrogen sources (15N) on three wheat varieties in an andisol and an ultisol in the IX Region. II. Isotopic parameters and fertilizer use efficiency
Authors: Inés Pino N., Amelia Peyrelongue C. y Mirta Buneder B.
Characterization of melon pear fuit (Solanum muricatum Ait.) ecotypes cultivated in Chile
Authors: Marina Gambardella C., Claudia Botti G., Luis Faúndez Y. y Adriana Nario M.
Phenologic and phenotypic characterization of seven chilean Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Duch. accessions
Authors: Marta Maureira C., Arturo LavÃn A. y Alejandro del Pozo L.
Characterization eggs parasitised by Uscana senex (Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae)
Authors: Danielle Rojas-Rousse, Marcos Gerding P. y MarÃa C. Céspedes L.
Edible shoot phytomass production of tagasaste (Chamaecytisus proliferus subsp. palmensis) in two climatic contrasted areas in the mediterranean climate region of central Chile.
Authors: Carlos Ovalle M., Susana Arredondo S., Julia Avendaño R., Fernando Fernández E. y Luis Neira E.
Biology of Copitarsia turbata (Lep. Noctuidae) under controlled conditions
Authors: Patricia LarraÃn S.
In vitro propagation of Gypsophila paniculata L.
Authors: Mónica Castro V., Christine Dardel H. y Gabriela Verdugo R.