Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 393 - 532
Octubre - Diciembre 2001
Presence and incidence of grapevine viruses in the central zone of Chile.
Authors: Guido Herrera M. y Mónica Madariaga V.
Evaluation of chemical thinning treatments on '|Braeburn'| apple trees
Authors: Gabino Reginato M., Francisco Esguep G. y Rodrigo Callejas R.
Biochemical and molecular diversity in Chilean strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis L. Duch.) and its implication for genetic improvement of the species.
Authors: Viviana Becerra V., Mario Paredes C., Agnes Romero O., Arturo Lavín A.
Tomato moth, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) response to insecticides in Arica, Chile
Authors: Erika R. Salazar y Jaime E. Araya
Arbuscular mycorrhization in micropropagated sugar cane plants (Sacharum officinarum).
Authors: Elia M. Soria A., Carlos Reyes E., Zenaida Occeguera A. y Carlos Pereira M.
Comparison of wheat and maize silage in winter finishing of steers
Authors: Claudio Rojas G. y Moisés Manríquez B.
Effect of substrate and irrigation water acidification on the nutrition, growth, and yield of rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei Reade).
Authors: Raúl Ferreyra E., José Peralta C., Angélica Sadzawka R., Carlos Muñoz S. y Jorge Valenzuela B.
Effect of three soil tillage systems on physiological nitrogen use efficiency in wheat crop.
Authors: Juan Luis Rouanet M., Inés Pino, Ana María Parada, Adriana Nario
Effects of different potassium fertilizers on foliar content of nutrients, yield and fruit quality in orange trees cv. Valencia
Authors: José Domingo Opazo A. y Bruno Razeto M.
Effect of four different levels of water application on yield and quality of greenhouse tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. FA-144) produced in autumn
Authors: Samuel Ortega-Farias, Javier Márquez, Héctor Valdés y Juan H. Paillán.
Soil thermal response under plastic covers. I. Effect of different types of films
Authors: Enrique Misle A. y Aldo Norero Sch.
Test day model: A new statistical tool for genetic evaluation of dairy cattle.
Authors: Héctor A. Uribe
Necrotic incompatibility in hexaploid bread wheat and synthetic wheats with Triticum tauschii genes crosses
Authors: Mario Mellado Z.
Morfology of Soils in the Talhuen Basin, Semiarid Dryland of the Fourth Región, Chile
Authors: Ricardo Oyarzún L. y Pablo Alvarez L.
Defoliation effect on three phenological stages upon tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yield under greenhouse
Authors: Susana MartÃnez, MarÃa Cecilia Grimaldi, Mariana Garbi y Miguel Artur
Changes produced in a soil under conservation tillage and direct drilling of cotton in Chaco, Argentina
Authors: Juan Prause y Jorge Soler