Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 115 - 224
Abril - Junio 2007
RAPD and ITS Reveal Molecular Variation of Chilean Populations of Beauveria bassiana
Authors: Viviana Becerra V.; Mario Paredes C.; Carmen Rojo M.; Andrés France I.
Environmental Risk Assessment of the Insecticide Metamidophos in Bioassays with Four Non-Target Aquatic Organisms
Authors: José Iannacone O. , Roxana Onofre C., Olga Huanqui S., Jorge Giraldo A., Nancy Mamani P., Maria C. Miglio T. y Lorena Alvariño F.
Predicting Breeding Values of Population Effect of Maize Evaluated in Brazil and Paraguay
Authors: Freddy Moray Carlos Alberto Scapim
Spices Powders for the Control of Maize Weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in Stored Wheat
Authors: Yessica Salvadores U., Gonzalo Silva A., Maritza Tapia V., y Ruperto Hepp G.
Characterization of Dairy Slurry in Sourthern Chile Farms
Authors: Francisco Salazar, Juan Carlos Dumont, David Chadwick, Rodolfo Saldaña y Mabel Santana
Beef Fattening Simulation Model for Different Grazing Systems
Authors: Giorgio Castellaro G., Germán Klee G. y Jorge Chavarría R.
Elemental Sulphur as pH and Soil Fertility Amendment for Some Chileans Soils of Regions III and IV
Authors: Carlos Sierra B, Angelus Lancelloti M., Iván Vidal P.
Effects of Environment, Leaf Characteristics and Measuring Methodology on Stem Water Potential in Avocado Trees (Persea americana Mill.)
Authors: Raúl Ferreyra E., Gabriel Selles V., Patricio Maldonado B., José Celedón de A. y Pilar Gil M.
Determination of the Nitrogen Dilution Curve in Different Phenological Phases of Sunflower
Authors: Gladis A. de Caram, Patricia Angeloni y Juan Prause
Mortality of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by Gamma Irradiation
Authors: Jaime E. Araya, Tomislav Curkovic y Herman Zárate
Isela-INIA, a new table grape cultivar
Authors: Nicole Hewstone O., Jorge Valenzuela B. y Carlos Muñoz S.
Ilusión-INIA, a new early table grape cultivar
Authors: Jorge Valenzuela B., Nicole Hewstone O. y Carlos Muñoz S.
Microwave oven forage drying: effects on quality analysis
Authors: Roberto J. Crespo, Jorge A. Castaño y José A. Capurro
Susceptibility of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) collected in Primula obconica Hance and Convolvulus arvensis L. to acaricides
Authors: Alberto Flores F., Gonzalo Silva A., Maritza Tapia V., Pedro Casals B.