Edited and published by Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Ministerio de Agricultura, Chile
Pages 191 - 342
April - June
Cover photography: Globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus)
Leaf Surface Scanning Electron Microscopy of 16 Mulberry Genotypes (Morus spp.) with Respect to their Feeding Value in Silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) Rearing
Authors: B. K. Singhal, M.F. Baqual, M.A. Khan, B.B. Bindroo, and A. Dhar
Response of Productive and Morphovegetative Traits of Globe Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) to Mass Selection and Estimation of their Heritability
Authors: Eugenia Martin, Vanina Cravero, David Liberatti, Andrea Espósito, Fernando López Anido, and Enrique Cointry
Controlled Rhizogenesis and Mycorrhization of Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Cuttings with Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum Vitt.)
Authors: Rómulo Santelices, and Götz Palfner
Application of Oligonucleotide Microarray for the Detection and Genotyping of cry Genes in Bacillus thuringiensis
Authors: Liu Xu-Guang , Song Fu-Ping, Wen Si-Yuan, Wang Sheng-Qi, Huang Da-Fang, and Zhang Jie
Effects of Some Insecticides Applied in Sublethal Concentrations on the Survival and Longevity of Aphidius ervi (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) Adults
Authors: Jaime E. Araya, Manuel Araya, and María Angélica Guerrero
Borage (Borago officinalis L.) Response to N, P, K, and S Fertilization in South Central Chile
Authors: Marisol T. Berti, Susana U. Fischer, Rosemarie L. Wilckens, María F. Hevia, and Burton L. Johnson
Nitrogen Losses under Different Cattle Grazing Frequencies and Intensities in a Volcanic Soil of Southern Chile
Authors: Pedro A. Núñez, Rolando Demanet, Tom H. Misselbrook, Marta Alfaro, and María de la Luz Mora
Effects of Nitrate and Labile Carbon on Denitrification of Southern Temperate Forest Soils
Authors: Cecilia A. Pérez, Martín R. Carmona, José M. Fariña, and Juan J. Armesto
Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Glomus spp. Inoculation on Alfalfa Growth in Soils with Copper
Authors: Daniela Novoa M., Soledad Palma S., and Hernán Gaete O.
Variability of Soil Types in Wetland Meadows in the South of the Chilean Patagonia
Authors: Ladislava Filipová, Radim Hédl, and Nilo Covacevich C.
A Dynamic Decision Support System for Farm Water Management in Surface Irrigation: Model Development and Application
Authors: Carlos I. Flores, Eduardo A. Holzapfel, and Octavio Lagos
Furrow Irrigation Management and Design Criteria Using Efficiency Parameters and Simulation Models
Authors: Eduardo A. Holzapfel, Carlos Leiva, Miguel A. Mariño, Jerónimo Paredes, José L. Arumí, and Max Billib
Advances in Apple Transformation Technology to Confer Resistance to Fungal Diseases in Apple Crops: A Chilean Perspective
Authors: Víctor Polanco, Mario Paredes, Viviana Becerra, and Eduardo Pérez
Evaluation of Yield Component Traits of Honeybee-Pollinated (Apis mellifera L.) Rapeseed Canola (Brassica napus L.)
Authors: Ximena Araneda Durán, Rodrigo Breve Ulloa, José Aguilera Carrillo, Jorge Lavín Contreras, and Marcelo Toneatti Bastidas
Commercial Digital Camera to Estimate Postharvest Leaf Area Index in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon on a Vertical Trellis
Authors: Miguel Espinosa L., Eduardo Acuña C., Miguel Espinosa B., and Juan Barrera B.
Side Effects of Fungicides Used in Cucurbitaceous Crop on Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman &| Platner (Hymenoptera: Trichogramatidae)
Authors: Dirceu Pratissoli, André M. Milanez, Wagner F. Barbosa, Flávio N. Celestino, Gilberto S. Andrade, and Ricardo A. Polanczyk
Influence of Water Temperature and Heat Stress on Drinking Water Intake in Dairy Cows
Authors: Ana Valeria González Pereyra, Verónica Maldonado May, Carlos Guillermo Catracchia, María Alejandra Herrero, Myriam Celina Flores, and Mariana Mazzini
Effect of Feeding Distillery Dried Grains to Lactating Cows on Farms in the Southern Dairy Region of Chile
Authors: Randy Shaver, Ricardo Ehrenfeld, Mario Olivares, Jaime Cuellar, and Francisco Inostroza